About Us
Revolutionary Ankle Support For Football
Empowerband has been specifically designed by physios to aid the rehabilitation of ankle injuries in Football.
1. Improves Rehabilitation - helping players recover after injury aiding them back to full fitness
2. Boost Performance - allows players to perform at their best on the pitch
3. Protect Against Injury - helping prevent the re-occurrence of injury
Empowerband has been trialled and tested over 4 years and launched in September 2019. There are currently 265 million people who play Football worldwide with 20% of all injuries being ankle-related. From grassroots to elite level Empowerband aims to help players back to playing, prevent further injury, and allow players to enjoy the game and play at their best.
Empowerband provides players with the best ankle support for the rehabilitation of ankle injuries in football. But how did we do this? It starts by looking at the sport. Football is a demanding game, the high forces and quick changes of direction put stress on all areas of the body particularly the ankles which lead to it being the most common of injuries in football. Modern boots have also become paper-thin for performance purposes and offer less protection to players and which have led to high profile injuries.
As a footballer who has suffered an injury you want to get back playing as fast as possible, you want peace of mind that your ankle is protected reducing the risk of re-injury and you want to regain your performance level that was lost.
Empowerband has been developed over 4 years in conjunction with Northumbria, Teeside Universities, and Football's top Physiotherapists including David Fevre. The only ankle support specifically engineered for Football to improve the rehabilitation process of ankle injuries, reducing the risk of injury, speeding recovery & improving performance.
The problem with traditional supports, braces, And taping?
There is an abundance of ankle supports braces and tape available on the market but how many are created specifically for football? Any player who has worn any of these other supports, strapping or tape under their sock will know they are uncomfortable and bulky, as a player you want to be light, fast, and agile and not be weighed down by heavy bulky ankle support. Taping requires a physio to fit correctly which not every player has access to especially at the grassroots level. Taping which many players don't know loses 80% of its support efficiency within 20 minutes becoming ineffective very quickly.
All supports and braces are designed to various degrees to limit the range of motion of the ankle to prevent overstretching and rolling of the ankle. Tape and lace braces are designed to lock your ankle, but then this prevents the active use of the ankle ligaments and tendons which slows rehabilitation, weakening your ankle in time, and leads to a dependency on support. Your neoprene and compression ankle sleeves provide proprioception qualities but won't limit the range of motion at all and leave players open to re-injury.
The solution; A revolutionary Interlocking Design
The over boot design eliminates the bulk and discomfort of tape and strappings that distract you from playing, the feeling of being lighter faster, and more agile as you move is a huge advantage in football both physically and mentally.
Made from a durable silicone rubber infused on a nylon support frame Empowerbands interlocking design maintains 100% support efficiency and interconnects your boot and ankle which increases proprioception levels and speeds reaction to instability reducing the risk of ankle roll. The interlocking design also provides controlled movement of the ankle joint a balance between locked support and compression supports to maximize stability and prevent injury while allowing movement to promote stimulus to ligaments and tendons to re-strengthen them as you move.
Reflex Technology Speeds Recovery And Boosts Performance
The biggest advantage Empowerband has that no other support can give is the elastic spring that it provides as you move, a clever combination of design and materials provide the right tensile strength to mimic your ankle ligaments and tendons as you move which are themselves like elastic bands. When you injure your ankle these ligaments can be overstretched or tear and when repair the elasticity is lost and takes time to rebuild. Empowerband brings this elasticity, strength, and power back to your ankle as you move to boost performance, speed of movement, regaining stability, and confidence as you move. It also helps reduces ankle fatigue as you play which helps reduce the risk of re-injury as studies have shown you become more susceptible to injury when fatigued. This also relieves pain and reduces swelling and stiffness during and after exercise. Reflex technology actively promotes the use of your ankle ligaments and tendons as you move to help re-build strength to them and transition to a full recovery and a non-dependency on support.
Research And Design, Testing & Feedback
Over 4 years of development trials and testing have gone into creating Empowerband, 50 prototypes of various shape and combinations of silicone, urethane, and fabrics have been tested to create the right tensile strength to the ankle and maximize the effectiveness of Empowerband
Our Mission
To provide players with the best ankle support for Football. Speeding recovery after injury, boosting your performance and protect you from injury as you play.